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He puāwaitanga mō te māhi – Opportunity to flourish at the WERO conference
He puāwaitanga mō te māhi – Opportunity to flourish at the WERO conference

Stacey Ruru, Emerging Researcher (Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Raukawa), and Logan Hamley, Intern Lead and Senior Researcher (Ngāti Rangi, Te Ātihaunui-ā-Pāpārangi) from Whakauae Research Services Ltd, recently attended the Working to End Racial Oppression (WERO) Conference at the University of Waikato in Hamilton. Centered on the theme of racism, the conference provided a platform to present, examine, and challenge racial oppression through diverse perspectives and research.

Whakauae Research Marks 20 Years of Advancing Hauora Māori
Whakauae Research Marks 20 Years of Advancing Hauora Māori

Whakauae Research Services proudly marks 20 years of advancing hauora Māori through kaupapa Māori research, community-led solutions, and strong partnerships. This milestone reflects our commitment to health equity, innovation, and empowering future generations of Māori researchers. To honour this journey, we gathered at Rātā Marae with whānau, hapū, iwi, and sector partners to reflect on our legacy and look ahead to the future. A special highlight was the launch of He Tukutuku Whakatupu, a commemorative book showcasing the impact of our tauira and their contributions to Māori health research.

Latest Publications


Journal Articles

Lindsay-Latimer, C., Allport, T., Potaka-Osborne, M., Wilson, D. (2024).

Belonging to the Land: Indigenous Māori Narratives of Home and Place

Folk, Knowledge, Place, Early access.

Journal Articles

Koea, J., Mark, G., Kerridge, D., Boulton, A. (2024).

Te Matahouroa: a feasibility trial combining Rongoā Māori and Western medicine in a surgical outpatient setting

NZMJ. 2024 Jun 21; 137(1597).

Wānanga and Conference Presentations

Cram, A., Russell, L., Boulton, A. (2024).

Wānanga (knowledge sharing):An Indigenous mentoring approach to supporting Indigenous students and evaluators

Paper presented at the Hawai’i-Pacific Evaluation Association Conference, Kāneʻohe, Hawai’i, 19 September 2024.

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We are the only iwi-owned Māori health research centre in Aotearoa.

Our Values
Ngā Tikanga

As the only iwi-owned Māori health research centre in Aotearoa New Zealand, we work under the direct guidance of a governance board of elected iwi members who further strengthen the ties between Whakauae and Ngāti Hauiti.
Our values, Ngā Tikanga o Whakauae, are inherently linked to the values of our founders Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Hauiti. They provide an essential guide to our conduct with internal and external stakeholders, funders or commissioners of research, partners, and research participants.
Find out more

Our Vision
Ngā Kaupapa Mātua

We have a vision to transform Māori lives through world-class kaupapa Māori research which is innovative, collaborative and nationally significant and which drives positive change for tangata whenua.

Our team of dedicated, well-qualified researchers have an established track record of excellence in carrying out quality research alongside Māori communities.
Whakauae Research Services vision - ngā kaupapa mātua

Scholarships currently open for applications:

See all our scholarships

He Whakatauākī
A Proverb

Ko te pae tawhiti whāia kia tata
Ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tina

Seek the distant horizons
Cherish those you attain

Nā Rangi Mete-Kingi
Whakauae Pou 1: Research and Evaluation

Pou 1:
Research and Evaluation


We are consolidating our track record of producing high quality, timely, Kaupapa Māori research, working for whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori. This Pou produces the rigorous evidence, research expertise and the thought leadership that has the potential to transform health services, health policy, and Māori health governance.

Whakauae Pou 2: Capacity and Capability

Pou 2:
Capacity and Capability


We are strengthening our capacity to conduct high quality research through investment in our infrastructure and our people. This Pou supports attracting and retaining high-performance Māori expertise and ongoing commitment to upskilling talented people within the Māori health research sector.

Whakauae Pou 3: Design and Dissemination

Pou 3:
Design and Dissemination


We are enhancing our TUI (Translation, Uptake & Impact) platform through investment in new people, new technologies and varied modes of dissemination. This Pou works to design and package new knowledge into media that are useful and meaningful to whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori Māori and other stakeholders, and which engage and create communities of interest.

Whakauae Pou 4: Connections and Collaboration

Pou 4:
Connections and Collaboration


We are enriching our alliances at the local, national and international level with groups and organisations who have an interest in advancing a Māori/Indigenous health equity agenda. This Pou works to establish partnerships and expertise across local and international Indigenous groups to develop effective new evidence, ideas, and knowledge exchange.

Whakauae Pou 5: Change and Transformation

Pou 5:
Change and Transformation


Creating a new team within our organisation who, drawing on their respective leadership roles in the sector, will translate research evidence into “actionable intelligence”. This Pou works to connect Māori research evidence directly to key areas of change-making to achieve the inclusion of Māori evidence in public health and public policy.

Whakauae Research

If you are interested in Māori centred research, Māori public health research or Māori health services research then this site will interest you. Here you can meet the team, find out what work we are currently doing, read our latest publications and find out how to contact us. We are a small team of dedicated, well qualified researchers with an established track record of success in being awarded contestable funding, generating academic outputs and carrying out quality research alongside Māori communities.
Contact us / Tono mai