Ko Ngā Turi ō Muri Motu te Maunga
Ko Whangaehu te Awa
Ko Tomotomo Ariki te Puna Wai
Ko Ngāti Rangi te Iwi
Ko Rangiteauria te Hapū
Ko Tirorangi te Marae
Ko Vicky Mcleod-Ngatuere tōku ingoa
I have lived in the Whanganui-nui-tonu area most of my life and have worked in the health sector for the past 14 years. This has included seven years working within a Whanganui Iwi health organisation and seven working at Mid-Central District Health Board in Palmerston North. I am dedicated to supporting whānau, hapū and iwi health and wellbeing. I enjoy participating in several voluntary positions that allow me to do this. I am pleased to have joined the Whakauae Research team comprised of passionate staff who are committed to the mahi they do.