April 19, 2017

Te Kete Tū Ātea

The Rangitīkei Iwi of Ngāti Apa and Mōkai Pātea identified a collective need to access good quality information about their individual iwi populations. Te Kete Tū Ātea Phase 2 study builds on previous HRC funded research that developed an information framework for each iwi, namely, Te Kete Tū Ātea. Whakauae has funded Phase 2 implementation of the framework testing utility and impact of the framework using data from the economic domain. The intended outcome will be iwi leaders and governors utilising information to achieve evidence-informed decisions.

This research is conducted with iwi participating as active research partners and uses a mixed methods approach of both qualitative in-depth interviews and quantitative statistical data.

The aim is to:

  1. Determine how economic information is able to be accessed, analysed and disseminated to iwi leaders in a meaningful and efficient manner,
  2. To observe and discuss how economic information is received and can be used to exercise Kaitiakitanga, and
  3. To analyse how, or if, information results in decision-making that future-proofs iwi.

It is intended that this research provide evidence to inform the future progression of the framework across all five domains for the Collective.

Outcomes / Achievements

The project is progressing well and in particular is seen as a flagship for other iwi when it comes to collecting, analysing and utilising quantitative data at an iwi level. There are a number of data initiatives happening across government, coinciding with the timing of this project. As a result, the team were asked to present at the Iwi/Māori data hui initiated by the Minister of Finance, and facilitated by Treasury and Statistics New Zealand in September 2015. Kirikowhai Mikaere was also invited to an Advisory Group Hui (following the first Iwi/Māori data hui of the Minister of Finance), to provide further advice and guidance as to next steps for Treasury and Statistics New Zealand. Because of these meetings, the NZ Data Futures project, and the creation of an Integrated Data Infrastructure, or IDI, an independent Māori Data Sovereignty network has been initiated. A first hui on the topic of Māori Data Sovereignty was held in Hopuhopu in October 2015 and attracted some 30 Māori with interests in this kaupapa. Kirikowhai Mikaere and Dr Tahu Kukutai are the interim co-leaders of the network.

Iwi Information + Iwi Analysis = Better Iwi Futures

Te Kete Tū Ātea
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