Representatives from Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki and Taumata Associates recently met with Taranaki uri in Whanganui to wānanga the kaupapa of research development for Taranaki. The hui was the result of a successful joint application made by these organisations to the He Tipu Ka Hua Investment Fund, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) in 2023. He Tipu Ka Hua funding is for Māori-led research programmes that generate new research outcomes and expand the capacity of Māori communities and researchers to harness the Science, Innovation, and Technology system (SI&T). Nationally only three groups have been successful in securing funding: He Kahui Rangahau Nō Taranaki, Te Puna Ora o Mātaatua Charitable Trust and the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development
The aim of He Kahui Rangahau Nō Taranaki is to provide the strategic planning towards longer term co-designed, co-produced research projects over a five-year period for marae, papakāinga, whānau, hapū and iwi around Taranaki mounga. Specifically, the group seeks to
A series of Māori community hui are currently being held around the mounga to directly inform a Taranaki rangahau five-year implementation plan, with one of these being held in Whanganui on the evening of October 9th. In addition to a series of general hui, Project Leads Professor Leonie Pihama and Dr. William Edwards will also hold strategic hui based on specific Kaupapa over the next month.
The Whanganui hui attracted Taranaki uri from all walks of life; from young and emerging students, through to kuia; service providers through to iwi leaders. Those who attended the hui were supportive of the initiative and the potential for Taranaki whānau to conceptualise, design and drive their own research agenda.
Representatives from Tū Tama Wahine o Taranaki and Taumata Associates recently met with Taranaki uri in Whanganui to wānanga the kaupapa of research development for Taranaki. The hui was the result of a successful joint application made by these organisations to the He Tipu Ka Hua Investment Fund, Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) in 2023. He Tipu Ka Hua funding is for Māori-led research programmes that generate new research outcomes and expand the capacity of Māori communities and researchers to harness the Science, Innovation, and Technology system (SI&T). Nationally only three groups have been successful in securing funding: He Kahui Rangahau Nō Taranaki, Te Puna Ora o Mātaatua Charitable Trust and the Waikato-Tainui College for Research and Development
The aim of He Kahui Rangahau Nō Taranaki is to provide the strategic planning towards longer term co-designed, co-produced research projects over a five-year period for marae, papakāinga, whānau, hapū and iwi around Taranaki mounga. Specifically, the group seeks to
A series of Māori community hui are currently being held around the mounga to directly inform a Taranaki rangahau five-year implementation plan, with one of these being held in Whanganui on the evening of October 9th. In addition to a series of general hui, Project Leads Professor Leonie Pihama and Dr. William Edwards will also hold strategic hui based on specific Kaupapa over the next month.
The Whanganui hui attracted Taranaki uri from all walks of life; from young and emerging students, through to kuia; service providers through to iwi leaders. Those who attended the hui were supportive of the initiative and the potential for Taranaki whānau to conceptualise, design and drive their own research agenda.