July 25, 2016

Waiata practice with Sue Kavanagh

Over recent months, the Team at Whakauae has been putting in some time to learn Ngāti Hauiti waiata and pātere under the guidance of Sue Kavanagh.  Each fortnightly session takes us through the historical waiata that describes the journey around various sites of significance around Hauiti.  The pātere 'Taua Hokia' has been a high priority for the Team with the coming visit by the Waitangi Tribunal mid September as part of a claims process with the wider Mōkai Pātea confederation. The Team have also ventured into practising more contemporary waiata thanks to both composers Adrian Wagner and Kataraina Pipi.

From left: Dr Heather Gifford, Mel Potaka-Osborne, Gill Potaka-Osborne, Dr Amohia Boulton, Sue Kavanagh
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Waiata practice with Sue Kavanagh

Over recent months, the Team at Whakauae has been putting in some time to learn Ngāti Hauiti waiata and pātere under the guidance of Sue Kavanagh.  Each fortnightly session takes us through the historical waiata that describes the journey around various sites of significance around Hauiti.  The pātere 'Taua Hokia' has been a high priority for the Team with the coming visit by the Waitangi Tribunal mid September as part of a claims process with the wider Mōkai Pātea confederation. The Team have also ventured into practising more contemporary waiata thanks to both composers Adrian Wagner and Kataraina Pipi.

From left: Dr Heather Gifford, Mel Potaka-Osborne, Gill Potaka-Osborne, Dr Amohia Boulton, Sue Kavanagh
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