Darcy Karaka

Ngāti Porou, Ngāi Tahu
Kairangahau - Researcher

Kei ngā maunga whakahī, kei ngā wai e rere kau ana, ko Whetumatarau, ko Aoraki e mihi nei, e tangi nei, tēnā koutou katoa.

I joined Whakauae in 2024 as a researcher after relocating and returning to Whanganui. My professional career has involved research, teaching, and consultancy. I was fortunate to have completed a master’s degree through Te Koronga – founded at the University of Otago. This helped equip me with the skills and capabilities to work across a range of roles and portfolios including Te Ahu o te reo Māori ki Ngāi Tahu (Ministry of Education), injury prevention (ACC), and the Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge (NIWA). As a researcher at Whakauae, I relish the opportunity to contribute in supporting Māori health and development.

Nō reira, tēnei taku iti, ko mātou ko taku whānau kua hoki mai ki Whanganui me te koa o te ngākau ki te hāpai ake i ēnei mahi i raro i te korowai o Ngāti Hauiti.

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Darcy Karaka