Logan Hamley

Intern Lead and Senior Researcher

Ko Ruapehu te maunga

Ko Whanganui te awa

Ko Ngāti Rangi, ko Te Ātihaunui-ā-Pāpārangi ngā iwi

Ko Ngāti Tui-o-nuku te hapū

Ko Maungārongo te marae

Ko Logan Hamley ahau

I had the immense privilege to join Whakauae in the season of Puanga in 2024. My background is in psychology, where I completed my PhD at the University of Auckland in 2023. This work explored how rangatahi tāne Māori find identity and belonging in Tāmaki-makaurau. This work with rangatahi is my passion, particularly with tāne and rangatahi takatāpui. I am extremely fortunate to have been supported by incredible Māori researchers throughout my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, who have shaped the way I approach research today. I love working in the Kaupapa Māori space, especially where there is opportunity to do creative and arts-based work.

I previously worked as a Kaupapa Māori psychology lecturer at the University of Waikato, where I was part of the team who established the Kaupapa Māori psychology minor teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses. I love working with tauira, and this is something I look forward to continuing to do in my role at Whakauae as the Intern Lead. I am also a co-chair of Ngā Pou Mana, the Māori Allied Health Workforce Association, where I get to use my skills to support kaimahi at the flax roots who do tireless mahi with and for our whānau every day. Being able to work within Kaupapa Māori space is a realisation of a journey I have been on since I began study in 2014. To be able to have a position in Whanganui, and to work for Ngāti Hauiti, is an incredible gift.

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Dr Logan Hamley